Monday, March 29, 2010

Bitch Slap

After seeing "Black Dynamite" I was on a bad B-movie kick, and knowing that a girl who is in this also posed for Playboy a few months ago, and is absolutely gorgeous made up my mind to rent it.

The plot is so over the top it doesn't even matter if its described or not. Three women, Trixie a stripper, Hel a secret agent and Camero an ex-con are trying to find 200,000,000 in diamonds. We start with them in the desert trying to get answers out of a guy about where the diamonds are hidden. The structure is set up that as we see whats happening with them in the present, as well as it keeps going further and further back in time to show us how they got to that point and who they are. So at first we go back 3 hours, then 3 hours and 3 minutes, then 24 hours...etc.

Most of the film makes little to no sense, there are entire sections that are simply gratuitous, in both violence and girl on girl macking, not that I'm complaining. The three girls who serve as main characters, or caricatures of characters are all gorgeous. Surprisingly there are two brunettes and a dark red head, no blonds, interesting, and nice to see the darker girls getting some action for a change.

The film is not meant to be taken seriously, not in the least, they know the effects are cheesy and cheap looking, they know that the guns look plastic and the action is so over the top its insanity. That's where the charm of this film lies though, because as an action movie, its not very good, and as for actual sex there is none. Its all alluded to, and teased. Watching a girl on a motorcycle take a guys head off with the rear tire, or a scene in the "Department of Homeland Security" which is filled with Washington fat cats watching strippers dance, you just have to go with it and smile.

The dialogue is what saved it for me from being another "Grindhouse" type film. The "Grindhouse" films are badly written, this on the other hand was overly written, so every line was snappy, and planned to a T. They know where their tongue is and its directly in their cheek, example: The girls start digging looking for the diamonds, their shovels never get more than 6 inches into the ground, the slo-mo is meant to excite, with tight close ups of their ample cleavage, and then showing it in real time in a wide shot you burst into laughter because its so funny.

You have to be in a mood to watch this, or unlike me easily entertained by anything, this though I was looking forward to, and cleared my mind of all internal critiques as I could and just sat back for the ride. Lots of girls fighting, lots of bullets flying, and lots and lots of push-up, and water bras. Fun for a night, repeat viewing...maybe in a few years. 8/10 stars.

Director: Rick Jacobson

Starring: Julia Voth, Erin Cummings, America Olivo, Michael Hurst

P.S. You got to love it when mid film, with no time to be wasted the girls start having a water fight, pouring buckets of water all over each other.

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