Sunday, May 2, 2010

The September Issue

Everyone has heard of the movie "The Devil Wears Prada" Well this is the real life woman that the Meryl Streep character is based on. And as scary as Streep played her...well it doesn't really transfer over to the real life.

Her name is Anna Wintour, and she actually wasn't all that bitchy, granted she had a camera on here, which I'm sure made a difference in her disposition. The doc. focuses on the creation of the most important issue of the year for Vogue, which is of course the September issue. So we see as they get the shots and clothes that they want, or don't. The petty squabbling between the people who want one thing and the others who disagree. In that way it's so run of the mill. Nothing that they argue about really matters. Oh! she likes this scarf, but I don't, gasp....someone's about to open up a can of....snide backstabbing remarks.

They are all snarls and hisses but none of these people have any claws. Their art makes no social statement, it doesn't better anything, it just is. Which is fine, if you are someone who hates fashion then you are putting to much stock into it. If that's what these people want to do then so be it, I'm sure there are people who scoff at my chosen career path. There is one thing that these people do that upsets me, and they should be socially punished for. Apparently, and they mention it several times in the doc. Wintour is responsible for the reemergence of fur in the fashion community starting in the mid nineties. They proudly talk about this, they should be ashamed of this. Will some one throw some red paint on this lady, she has it coming, don't worry about her snarl afterwards, shes harmless.

I did pity some of the people in this, they don't realize there is a world outside of fashion, they exclaim they are going to kill themselves because a dress wasn't liked. Turn the drama dial down to like two on the scale. Wintour explains that her siblings do humanitarian work in their careers, even her daughter wants to be a lawyer. There are people who wish to follow in her footsteps, but the people who know her and love her see there are more important things to do with their lives.

I wish they had paid more attention to her family life and dynamic, and her as a real person, but they don't and opt for a glossy high style look at the behind the scenes of Vogue (should I be surprised) The meaningless fights are brought to the forefront, not the real peoples lives, not the cost that the fashion industry has on other countries and groups of people. I wish they had taken it another direction but it was still mildly entertaining. 6/10 stars.

Director: R.J. Cutler

Starring: Anna Wintour

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