Thursday, October 1, 2009

American Pit Bull

How much can you really blame an animal for being what it is? Pit bulls in my opinion are dangerous, now don't get me wrong, I didn't say mean, I said dangerous. A gun isn't mean, but it is dangerous in the wrong hands, or when handled without the proper respect.

This documentary I had expected to go over the history of the pit bull, and at least sort of go into its present incarnation, and in a way they did. It wasn't proper though, I would have wished that they would have given a full picture of the stigma of this kind of dog instead of just the current views on ownership. A lot of the people in this documentary were just pissing me off, for example: A yuppie looking older couple didn't see why they should be forced to spay/neuter their animal. Not theirs! Their dog is good. Well they are missing the point, if your dog gets out and meets another and they have...relations...what are you going to do? A doggie abortion? These jackasses are above the lower scum that own these dogs. What a crock of shit.

Others claim to be training the dogs, but one of the "tricks" they make them do it to attack a man with a sleeve on, or full body pads. They kept saying that the dogs are naturally mean to other dogs, they are "Bully" but not to humans. If that's the case why are you teaching them this "trick" Total bullshit. Now I say they are dangerous because if I get bit by a chihuahua I think ill be fine, by a border collie, Ill survive, a German Shepard...I'm in some trouble, if its a Pit bull...if it doesn't let go....I'm lucky to live. They have a PSI bite power of 3000, the next closest dog is 1000 pounds per square inch. A Hyena is only a little above 3000 PSI, a crocodile has 4000 PSI. If these animals bite they are capable of total damage, death, easily. So like a gun, they might never go off, but if they do...they will kill.

Should they be out lawed? No. Should we stop dog fighting? Of course, and take those ass holes to court and give them the maximum. Should we put down pit bulls that might be aggressive? With out question. And I love animals, but not everyone is allowed to own a bear, or a wolf, not everyone should have this privilege either. Owning animals is not a right. The documentary goes to soft on many of these points, but does show the culture of the Pit Bull, from the fighters to the people who have them as show dogs and everything in between. It was fair to owners and protesters alike. Could have been longer and more in depth. 7/10 stars.

Director: Marylin Braverman

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