Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Garden

Morals and the law are not the same thing, or at least very rarely. This documentary is a good example of what I mean. Its a very well done documentary that as it slowly unravels you find out who the villains are.

The story is that after some of the riots in L.A. some of the people of South Central were given a plot of land to act as a community garden, and they turn it into a lovely little green patch in an otherwise gray concrete setting. Well the city sells the land back to the old owner who wants them off the So it turns into a legal battle, and turn some of the workers of these little mini farms against one another. For most of the movie you can see both sides of the fight, the man who owns it has every right to do with his property as he wants. But these people did something good with the land, put their sweat and blood into it, all they get is a quick kick to the ass?

It shows one of the many things that is wrong with our country. The farmers aren't all innocent people, many of them are undocumented workers, so why should they get the same privileges as those who pay taxes, that I do think is unfair. It also seems that the workers have done all they can to keep other races out, but perhaps I'm wrong, they never address that point. The owner of the land shows his true colors in the last few minutes of the film, and he is slime. Its a sad state of our way of life when you see what they do to these people who are as poor as the dirt that they grow this amazing produce out of. 7/10 stars.

Director: Scott Hamilton Kennedy

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