Wednesday, September 23, 2009

911: In Plane Site

Well let me see, where to start....I try and give each voice their due time to speak, as I mentioned in my review of "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed" When you make a political or dissenting documentary for the most part you preach to the choir, so I think the least I can do is hear those opinions I disagree with. This documentary is no exception, it certainly rubbed me the wrong way, and several time made me laugh out loud in disbelief.

I can recall the events of September 11th very well, as I'm sure most people can. And I recall this very well, one of the news pundits just hours after the initial attacks asked an expert "Who could gain from this?" The experts answers were basically right on target, he mentioned Al Qaeda and other middle eastern powers that might want to do this to us, and then surprisingly he said "Even Bush could gain from this" The pundit asked him if he was saying that that was a possibility, and he said, sure its possible, but its totally ludicrous to seriously consider that. This documentary like so many others in the 8 years since that dark day revolves around the assumption that it was an inside job.

Now I call it an assumption because the "proof" they claim to have wouldn't hold up for a third grade research paper, they are basically acting as detective, forensics analyst, judge and jury all in one. The moron who narrates for us says that he is going to simply give us the facts and let us decide, but he keeps saying that here is the proof and you have to accept it, how is that letting anyone decide for themselves.

What does this man know of physics, chemistry, government, national defense, terrorism...anything for that matter? He is not an expert or a source of information at all. He is doing this from his arm chair and jumping to wild and unsubstantiated conclusions. Ill give some examples:

1. There was a flash before the planes hit the towers....he claims that's proof of a charge set in the front of the plane to make the rest of the gas explode. Okay, but why would they need that, its jet fuel, it'll blow up going upwards of 600 + miles per hour into a concrete building, I mean really. He claims its a government military plane. Why in God's name would they use a military plane with 9 million potential eye witnesses in the city for the 1st strike, and then hundreds of millions for the 2nd, thanks to the power of TV? His argument, thin as paper.

2. Lets say that all of point #1 is true, then where are the passengers from those planes that they said hit the WTC?

3. The owner of the WTC said that because of all the loss of that day (as in life) that they should just pull WTC building 7. This dipshit narrator says that's proof that it was a controlled demolition. The man was referring to pulling the fire fighters out so no one else would die, the building was about to collapse, and did. They ask why did it fall if no plane hit it? Well lets think about this...two buildings weighing hundreds of millions of tons fell onto it, of course it fell down you dumb shits!

I don't even need to keep going with my points, everything that is said in this documentary is simply stupid, No proof, no science, nothing to substantiate any of these claims. This guy says we could view the JFK assassination so why cant we view this and learn from it, does he think there aren't people in the government that didn't spend months reviewing the footage? He shows us fuzzy, out of focus footage and tries to pull things from that, why not just put a man with terrible vision on the witness stand and have him point out who he saw commit a murder from 100 feet away?

The documentarian is a complete and total moron, I cant emphasise that enough, if you want to laugh at the stupidity of people take a look at this, and if you do watch and feel swayed by his arguments, just sit back and me the proof, something that would hold up in court. Something that is real, not this wannabe stuff.

9/11 was not an inside job, and this doc. shows how stupid the people are who believe that. 2/10 stars on the serious scale, if you want a laugh 5/10 stars, it has a few good laughs, unintended but still.

Director: William Lewis

Host: Dave VonKleist

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