Sunday, September 13, 2009

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed

I always try and give each side of an argument a fair time to speak out on what they feel is right. Such as Ive watched many documentaries supposing, and sometimes blatantly stating that 9-11 was an inside job, and after watching half a dozen of those their arguments still fall flat on their faces. So I thought I would give the monotone Ben Stein his chance to explain to me why I.D. (Intelligent Design) should be viewed as a viable alternative to evolution.

Ill start by saying he is very convincing in his argument, but, its all a house of cards, when viewed from the right angle with the right context is looks totally plausible....but its not, and its certainly not science. In one of his early interviews a man claims that they handle him like an educational terrorist, and Ben Stein exclaims "A terrorist!" Which would make you say, "Wow" up until you realize this man is the one who claims that's how they view him, not what they say about him. Educators are being fired for their views on I.D. and these people feel they are being black listed, well I'm sorry but if you try and pass that off as fact then you shouldn't be teaching that sort of subject. Now I do feel sorry for some of them, because as they say they just mentioned it in a class, and didn't give it credit at all, but were fired anyway. So for them I do feel bad, but again...that's what they claim, the administration says differently, someones lying.

All these I.D. nuts keep saying that I.D. is not creationism. The fact is that it IS creationism. Watch a documentary called "Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial" It explains exactly how I.D. is creationism, down to the detail that in a text book they simply changed the word creationism to I.D, pretty damning evidence. They keep saying in this that the debate hasn't been settled: It has, evolution is science because it follows the scientific procedures of testing and proving, where I.D. says....God did it, or (laughing) a designer. Sorry, I'm not falling for it. They say that evolutionists will say that the theory of evolution has no problems, that's bull shit, no scientist would ever say that, and you see no scientist in this say anything of the sort. Of course it has problems, and that's why there are still biologists in the world, to figure out as much of it as possible.

They say Darwin corrupts minds in this! Nothing more to say there, just laugh. They say evolution is a mess, and that means it cant be true!? Of course its a mess, its life, its messy.

Ben Steins style is very slick, its basically the way Michael Moore makes documentaries. He walks around playing dumb trying to make the ones he doesn't agree with look stupid, while lofting soft balls at those they want to hit it out of the park. I cant complain because I like some of Michael Moore's work, but by no means is that a fair documentary, but it doesn't have to be, he cant market it as fair though. They keep making it out like evolutionists don't want to hear the other side because they know their side is wrong, fine, but what do they have to gain from that?

Towards the end of the Documentary Ben Stein walks into dangerous territory. He talks about how the Nazis used Darwin's ideas on genetics, and eugenics and how it was used for unspeakable evil. At one point he asks someone while sitting in one of the camps "What was the purpose?" I wanted to get up and slap him through the TV. There is no way anyone can fully understand the Holocaust and the terrible things that happened. He wants some sort of blurb explaining the Holocaust, foolish. Even those who lived through it and wrote books about it couldn't explain it to you, Ben Stein...for shame. Don't use this to help your point. He then also says "Look at another society that outlawed God" and shows footage from the USSR, and Stalin, yeah Ben, that's what made the Soviet Union so bad, it was the lack of a God.

He makes convincing arguments like I said, but are they viable? No. He thinks hes being slick with this, and he is, like a snake. He works himself in and asks the most idiotic question there is "How did life begin" When hes not happy with "No one knows" he thinks its a perfectly good jump to the I.D. conclusion "God did it" Fine, lets say that's true...prove it now. You cant? Then its not science and we cant teach it. For style the stars go up a little on it, for it being well made it gets another star or two, for its lack of a good argument it gets 4/10 stars.

Director: Nathan Franowski

Host/Narrator: Ben Stein

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