Friday, September 11, 2009

Hitler's Britain

I had watched "Inglorious Basterds: earlier in the night, and had a very nice evening, very nice indeed. That was until I woke up from a very disturbing dream at 4 in the morning with some major a sensitive area. I guess the kidney stones weren't as gone as I had assumed. So I'm up, I'm in pain, what to do? I'll watch another revisioning of WWII, this time what if Hitler had succeeded in taking over Britain?

Its interesting, to say the least, this pseudo documentary is basically saying a big WHAT IF? The Nazis apparently had thousands of hand books printed up of how they were going to handle the Brits, instead of manhandling them, they were going to take the approach of how they handled France, which was much more of a wooing, trying to get them on their side. That's what this plan called for, and if they would have been able to put it into effect, its what would have happened, with only one front left (Russia) they could have taken all of Europe, a scary thought.

It could have been made better for sure, but it made up for that in the fact that it is basically getting as close to reality as a documentary about what never happened can get. Props to the guerrilla Brits who were going to pull an "Inglorious Basterds" type of approach to the Nazis, kill them, and just keep killing them till they kill you. 7/10 stars.

Director: Richard Bond

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